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Frames Version Comparison

Frames has over 10 years of development history. Here's how the various versions compare.

Frames   Frames 4   Frames 5   Frames 6
Animation templates              
Integration with Google Drive              
Animated clip art              
Support for HD Web Cams              
Import Pics4Learning images as frames              
Import K12Share files as frames              
Import from an attached digital still camera              
Fill shapes with another image              
Widescreen document default              
Library search accounts for spelling mistakes              
Preferences to hide unused options              
Print preview, page numbers, and number of copies              
Real time project collaboration              
Path animate objects              
Create HD movies              
Capture images using time-lapse              
Group frames and sounds into scenes              
Clip and fade sounds              
Match frame duration to sound recording              
Background sound track with ducking              
Publish to              
Import individual frames from Frames files              
Spell check all frames in an animation              
Perspective and Reflection Shadows              
Free rotate objects              
Hide and show the frame list              
Apply image filters              
Show multiple layers of onion skin              
Show a design grid              
Frame and timeline views              
Drawing tools              
Pics4Learning integrated into Library              
Storyboard view              
Detect and add digital cameras to the Library              
Thought bubbles for text objects              
Mask images              
Zoom canvas while working              
Print frames              
Crop animations              
Image Color Filters              
Inline Spell Checking              
Mask Images              
Speak tooltips              
French and Canadian English support              
Intellikeys keyboard support              
Chroma key              
Change the duration of frames              
Edit Image Alt Tags              
Onion skin frames              
Export video              
Export frames as images              
Add effects to images              
Online clip art              
Record / Import sounds              
Group and duplicate objects              
Fill text with image files              
Add music from iTunes              
Spanish support              
Import frames from files and folders              
Spell checking              
Frame list view              
Managed user support              
Rotate and flip selections              
Add clip art              
Add, edit, and format text              
Add guides and canvas rulers              
Add shadows to objects              

Online Tools




Rubric Maker




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6549 Mission Gorge Rd. #368
San Diego, CA 92120

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Download a 30-day evaluation of Frames

The evaluation version is a fully-functioning version of Frames. Your 30 days begin the first day you use the software.